Cycling through Africa is happening. We have told too many people to back out now. So now we are thrown into the entirely new territory of planning a huge bike tour through seven African countries.
One of the newest territories we are venturing into is social media. I feel like such an old fogey when it comes to SnapChat, Instagram, Twitter and the like. I didn’t understand them and I definitely didn’t use them. A month ago, I could not have told you what a hashtag was, or why you’d spend any time whatsoever scrolling through filters.
But, we want to raise the exposure of our adventure and of our cause – so everyone told me to get snap happy and create an Instagram account. So I did it. One month ago I fought the cringe and started posting.
And do you know what? They were right.
Instagram is a whole other world of inspiration, connection and motivation (as well as a multitude of overly flexible beautiful people who clearly live in the sunniest and bluest places). We have linked up with other adventurers and gained invaluable hints and tips. We have connected to spin classes around the city to kick start our training. We have learnt about the best bikes and best bike routes. We have been motivated and pushed every day to think about the adventure and what we should be doing to keep the wheels in motion. (I have also picked up some cracking vegan recipes and tips on improving my yoga – the relevance of which I am trying to prove to Charlie).
Incredibly, and unexpectedly, we have connected to companies who are keen to partner and sponsor our adventure. Travel companies, fitness companies, bike kit places – it’s amazing how things have grown after posting 44 photos of a mixture of bikes, post-spin sweat, Turnip jokes, porridge and Charlie’s unimpressed face.
Instagram is still completely out of my comfort zone. The @equatortocape portrayal of the busy, active lifestyle and vegan breakfasts is not a lie. But I will not be posting a picture of me currently on the sofa surrounded by snotty tissues with banana bread crumbs down my jumper. It is selective. It has an agenda. But those agendas can be successful with a swift hushing of the uncomfortable side and a realisation that everyone has an agenda.
Our Instagram is a portrayal of that part of our life, the adventurous, planning, excitable side. The love-hate relationship with training. The bike rides. The tortoise. Instagram has created an opportunity to learn and create and connect with others. I am only sorry it has taken me so long to realise that it is more than just selfie-land.
So, expect many more posts of my sweaty face whilst I hashtag and filter the crap out of our life.
Best Bit: Being re-grammed by Reza Pakravan
Worst Bit: feeling the need to post pictures of porridge because it draws in the likes